A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 634 Posts 613
Registered: 8-4-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: Chillin' ya bloodclot mahn
posted on 14-6-2005 at 17:19 |
Hey Dudes & Shela's,
Thanks Al for all the info..we should all now police Ynyslas BIG time and ensure no wankers are doing anything stupid and lets all
setup near da bunker!
A Force-of-Nature *
Member #: 928 Posts 224
Registered: 22-8-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: new toys
posted on 14-6-2005 at 18:24 |
we need signs, what can you do if someone tells you to p*ss off, only a couple of week ago some idiot told willf a 3 metre kite+no
safety wasn't dangerous in 30notts+ an told him to f**k off, this guy nearly took out 3 family's, what can u do about people like
posted on 14-6-2005 at 18:24 |
The reason signs can't go up is something to do with the fact that the beach itself and the pebble bank are under different ownership,
and the car park is owned by the Golf Club.... Making it difficult to find anywhere to actually put the signs...
Apparently at the council meeting concerns were raised about the fact that on busy weekends there are accessibility issues for other
beach users especially with respect to buggiers and other land-based kiters taking over when the tide is relatviely high. No one wanted
to ban it outright as many of the locals actually like seeing the kites in the sky during the winter months, but they did want to know
how they could ensure that everyone else could safely access the beach at all times.
They were however more concerned about what to do about the 'dogging'!!!
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
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Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 14-6-2005 at 18:27 |
quote: Originally posted by leonardo
Hey Dudes & Shela's,
Thanks Al for all the info..we should all now police Ynyslas BIG time and ensure no wankers are doing anything stupid and lets all
setup near da bunker!
Yep.... If we all only set up, and only kite from beyond the bunker and not within the top 20 metres or so of the beach then we should
be OK.... If we all do it, then the newcomers and 'idiots' alike will all follow suit anyway... If not we set Col onto them!
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Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 634 Posts 613
Registered: 8-4-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: Chillin' ya bloodclot mahn
posted on 14-6-2005 at 18:50 |
Fully let's start doing it now!!!!!!
A Force-of-Nature **
Member #: 148 Posts 356
Registered: 22-2-2003 Location: s.wales Member Is Offline Mood: waiting 4 next blow
posted on 14-6-2005 at 19:14 |
quote: Originally posted by justal
Apparently at the council meeting concerns were raised
They were however more concerned about what to do about the 'dogging'!!!
sounds good ban the kites!
set up a dogging area !
Does Stan Colleymore do any dogging that way ?
dogging more reliable as dont need wind
he,he ,he
Kel www.winsurfing.co.uk
andy B
A Force-of-Nature *
Member #: 1118 Posts 209
Registered: 27-11-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: ah ripped again
posted on 14-6-2005 at 19:59 |
Hi Guys,
just a thought, could we have some flyers printed with suggested rules for kiteing/a polite notice to inform the public of launching/
landing areas.
Cost could be met by the reguler users who value the beach as a place to kite.
We could ask Phil in the golf course car park/ Wardens in Estury car park to hand them out with parking permits.
I know Phil si not always there but at least it would be a start to get the ball rolling and show we do care about everyones
and yes Pluto a club is a good idea more peeps BIGGER voice (obviously this is just my opinion).
andy B
A Force-of-Nature *
Member #: 1118 Posts 209
Registered: 27-11-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: ah ripped again
posted on 14-6-2005 at 20:01 |
Hi Guys,
just a thought, could we have some flyers printed with suggested rules for kiteing/a polite notice to inform the public of launching/
landing areas.
Cost could be met by the reguler users who value the beach as a place to kite.
We could ask Phil in the golf course car park/ Wardens in Estury car park to hand them out with parking permits.
I know Phil si not always there but at least it would be a start to get the ball rolling and show we do care about everyones
and yes Pluto a club is a good idea more peeps BIGGER voice (obviously this is just my opinion).
A Force-of-Nature *
Member #: 945 Posts 299
Registered: 31-8-2004 Location: Shrewsbury Member Is Offline Mood:
posted on 14-6-2005 at 22:00 |
Andy has a good point, this was discussed at the weekend. We could easily come up with a poster for our vehicles and flyers to hand
out, this would have a polite notice to all kite users with suggested precautions. These could also have info regards this web site
that new persons to kiting can get help.
I fear that this summer the beach will be have many people who can walk into your local seaside shop buy 2 metres of Chinese power
kite with no idea what danger they can put themselves and other in- this is where a flyer could save the ban or an injury.
We as responsible beach users must act NOW.
Is it time for a club?
posted on 15-6-2005 at 06:28 |
Get a few signs sorted and you dont need flyers. Probably cheaper any way. The problem with warning the public about kiting areas,
safe areas, etc, is that if some thing happens to joe public in a so called safe area, then liability is on the head of the person who
is responsible for the signs!! Be carefull with the wording!!
Although I dont see the need for a club, I think if people want a club, form one, just because every body doesnt want it, doesnt stop
the ones that do forming one.
Kite & SUP wales
Caravan decking wales
Beach Bum
Member #: 740 Posts 15
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posted on 15-6-2005 at 13:49 |
ive been coming to borth for years windsurfing,speedsailing,buggying and about to try to get into kitesurfing , my line of thinking is
i dont let my enjoyment be some one elses missery and if that means packing up till the next day so be it.
just wish people would do the same
so i can still use the beach for years to come...
posted on 27-6-2005 at 05:43 |
I won't name any names, but I was out with some locals on Saturday evening and they were complaining that they had to get out of the
water where they were playing at Ynyslas last weekend as they were being 'terrorised' by a kite-surfer trying to kitesurf in the
shallows. They said they first moved down the beach a little but he was walking a few hundreds yards up the beach and ten going on a
downwinder for quite a way effectively taking up the whole area of beach and they were concerned for their safety so had to get out of
the water.
This is exactly the sort of thing we need to avoid.
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Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 634 Posts 613
Registered: 8-4-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: Chillin' ya bloodclot mahn
posted on 27-6-2005 at 06:59 |
Hey Al-DUde!! Who was this?? Name and shame him dude!! Let the Bok at him..i'll punish him
posted on 27-6-2005 at 10:51 |
got to be me then; wasnt playing in the shallows though, but going well out to sea to find the wind and sometimes coming in well down
wind when i didnt find it. striaght in and walking right up the beach again, paying particular attention to who or what was in the
accentuates the point that no matter how much in control we know we are, every day beach peeps dont know and can get worried and
another rule then ;
on light days dont allow our selves to drift too far downwind bringing us into the bathing area.
good to see the boys from tiree are back agian ; maybe we can get a bit of life back into the forums again. what are these things
called body boards anyway?
founder of storm'n Normans van club!
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 570 Posts 606
Registered: 2-3-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: Spaced out
posted on 28-6-2005 at 18:20 |
Isn't that part of the beach Red flagged anyway?????????? Red flag I think means no swimming. the people Neil and I was comming in
between didn't look very scared to me, in fact most wanted to chat about the kites. I didn't see any near misses or anyone
posted on 29-6-2005 at 05:29 |
The point is Dunk, you might not have thought they looked scared, but it is what they think that counts... It only takes one or two to
complain to the council and thats the end of kiting here... If they were intimidated by you then they wouldn't have complained there
and then, but waited until they next saw me and moaned at me about it.
Neil... I thought we had already established we weren't to kite to the South of the bunker... no 'new' rules there! We just need to be
completely over the top with giving every other beach users as much room as possible so that they hardly even know we are there. On the
day in question there wasn't enough wind, so going on downwinders in the shallows amongst the swimmers isn't going to help anyone...
And walking back up the beach with your kite over everyone is just as bad.... Surfing was the better option that day!
Luckily for us, the days when there is enough wind for a decent kitesurf means that most other beach-users are huddled behind the
groynes to keep out of the wind so therearen't too many people for us to get in the way of.. It is on those light wind, sunny weekends
that we need to be extra careful, and if it is busy just not go out.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 29-6-2005 at 08:55 |
yes you are correct Al ;
dont know about the surfing though, gave that up when i left the warm indian ocean in durban.
red flags i think are there to advise against going in the water, you cant take away peoples right of choice ,unless you live in china
or similar, so we have no grounds to plead innocent on this occasion Dunk!
another lesson learnt i hope then.
and another example of " age attention deficit dissorder!"
founder of storm'n Normans van club!
posted on 29-6-2005 at 14:27 |
You are right about the red flags... You can't stop people going in the water they are just advisory... We often used to close the
beach when I worked at Croyde and put up the red flags, then the silly buggers that ignored our advice and went in anyway expected us
to go in and rescue them!!!.. We did of course as we couldn't leave them to drown, but they certainly got an earful (and on occassion
and 'accidently' snapped surfboard) in the process!
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales