Borth and Ynyslas Weather Station
Weather Overview from Borth & Ynyslas
Last updated: 27/12/05 at 8:03 PM
Current | Max/Min | Rate of Change | |
Wind | Now: 0.0 kts ENE 10 min Average: 0.9 kts ENE |
Max Last Hour: 3.5 kts ENE Max Today: 12.2 kts ENE occurred at: 12:40 PM |
-1 kts/last hour -1 kts/2 hours -1.0 kts/24 hours |
Temp | Now: -1.1°C Feels Like: -1.1°C |
Max Today: 5.3 °C at: 12:39 PM Min Today: -1.9 °C at: 5:43 AM |
-1.6 °C/last hr -4.3 °C/24 hours |
Pressure | Now: 1018.1 mb | Max Today: 1019.7 mb Min Today: 1017.8 mb |
+0.1 mb/hr -0.1 mb/3 hours |
Humidity | Now: 88 % | Max Today: 93 % Min Today: 62 % |
+ 8 %/hr -2 %/24 hours |
Rain | Today: 0.0 mm | Max Today: 0.0 mm/hr |
Current Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr |
Current Weather Conditions | Weather Forecast |
Dry Light Air --- calm-glassy sea |
increasing clouds with little temp. change. precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hrs. |