Forces-of-Nature. Windsurfing, Surfing, Kiting and other coastal sports in West Wales and beyond
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Draggin Draggin Billy

This section of the Forces-of-Nature website contains pages describing some of the various sports we get up to here in West Wales.As you can see from the links in the left hand frame, most of these things are water or beach based activities... The sort of things that some people like to call 'extreme sports'. I don't really like this term, as its perfectly possible to do any of these sports without taking it to the extreme. 'Adrenaline sports' would probably be a better term, as they all seem to involve a fair about of adrenaline rushes. The other thing most (if not all) of them have in common is that they are powered by natural forces such as waves, wind, rivers or just plain old gravity... Other than my trusty van (toy box) no motors are involved....Hence the "Forces-of-Nature" title.

Each page in this section will give a brief description of the particular sport in this area, followed by a list of the best locations. Most of these locations will be linked to more detailed descriptions contained within the 'Places' section of the site.

As with everything on this site, just because its here doesn't mean its safe to do it. ALL of these sports ARE dangerous if the appropriate equipment and safety devices aren't used. They can also all become dangerous due to unforeseen cicumstances and changes in the weather/conditions. Never underestimate the "Forces-of-Nature" and always take appropriate safety precautions. If in doubt don't do it. I can take no repsonsibility for any loss or injuries resulting from suggestions or information contained in any part of this website.


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Other Sports

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© Alan R Cole