Forces-of-Nature. Windsurfing, Surfing, Kiting and other coastal sports in West Wales and beyond
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Image of me tailsliding my kite-mountainboard. Image of me scrambling about in a gorge Image of Hecla

Welcome to, a site that provides a guide to sports driven by the forces of wind, waves and gravity. These sports include windsurfing, surfing, power-kiting, kite-surfing, mountain-boarding and gorge-walking along with any other outdoor, naturally powered sports that we can come up with.

I'm based just outside of Aberystwyth in West Wales where I originally came to study geology at the University of Wales. I then went on to do a PhD. (which isn't completed yet) and now live in a farmhouse about 5 miles outside of the town with my Girlfriend Anna. The area around Aberystwyth is outstanding in many ways. The numerous beaches, hills and gorges in close proximity provide plenty of scope for our sporting needs and there are very few days (if any) during the year when we can't find something exciting to do. I describe many of the best locations for surfing, windsurfing, kiting, gorge-walking and even snowboarding in the 'Places' section of this site, along with some descriptions of some of my favourite places from slightly further a field.

The site is aimed at people visiting these areas, or people interested in the various activities in which I indulge... Hopefully there is something of interest to most.

Latest Information:
Sorry updates have been so erratic lately...I've been having computer problems!.
(Friday) Mainly cloudy at the moment with a light NE breeze. Today should see cold E-NE winds Force 2-3. Fair. High Tide at Borth c. 9.00am
(Sat) E-NE Force 3-4. Cloudy. (Sun) NE Force 3-4. Cloudy. (Mon) E-NE Force 3-4. Cloudy.

Diary updated 1st Dec. 2002 (Windy windy windy.)
Classified ads updated 2nd Dec 2002. (Surfboard added..)

Updated: Saturday, February 5, 2005, 4:35 pm Curl

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© Alan R Cole