posted on 2-5-2013 at 10:37 |
Weather Station Downtime
We're having a few Internet connections problems here - basically the Internet is SLOOOOOWW!!
So, I'm currently doing the ISP trouble shooting dance - Everything off and rebooted, new microfilter, new cables, plug router into
main telephone socket etc etc.... Now our ISP can do their tests to tell me once and for all that my Internet is slow!!
It does mean that the weather station won't be uploading to the website for a while as the PC that runs it doesn't have a wireless
adaptor and I can't move it closer to the router which has been temporarily relocated to the hall!
Data will still be being recorded it just won't be available online until the ISP has been able to test the lines.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 4-5-2013 at 06:32 |
Looks as though the Internet speed is back up from around 0.3Mbps to 1.5Mbps. Woohooo!...
Just waiting to hear back from the ISP that they have finished their checks and have fixed things properly before moving the router
back to where it was so that the weather station PC has Internet access again.
Bear with me!
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 6-5-2013 at 08:47 |
Moving the router back so that the weather station PC can connect to the Internet again now..... Wish me luck.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 6-5-2013 at 08:58 |
It's back up and running again, although as soon as I got it going our Internet access speed dropped a little again, but at least we
are back to the sorts of speeds we used to get.
I may have to fiddle with it a little more at some point though as it is still pretty slow.
I'll let you know before I do any fiddling though and will leave it up and running today at least. Sorry again that it was down for a
day or two.
While I'm at it, the solar panel on the station needs replacing at some point too as it is no longer charging the batteries as it
should so I'm having to go up the telegraph pole and replace the batteries every couple of weeks. I shall have to look into the cost of
replacing the solar panel.
justal has attached this image:
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 2-7-2013 at 09:37 |
We've got terrible Internet access here again... It was down to 96kbps so I've been asked to move the router again while the ISP
perform some test.
This means the weather station won't be able to upload data to the Internet for a few days whilst the test and hopefully repairs are
Sorry, but that's the problem with living out here in the sticks.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 2-7-2013 at 16:09 |
No problem, I dont need a wind meter to tell me its howling at the mo
Kite & SUP wales
Caravan decking wales
posted on 8-7-2013 at 06:19 |
Hooray - We have Internet access again. I'm not sure how long for or how stable it is but at least it's up and running at the mo
therefore the weather station is once again able to
upload data.
I did buy a wifi dongle for the weather station PC in the hope that I could leave the router plugged into the main telephone socket and
allow the Weather Station PC to connect through Wi-Fi but I couldn't get it working so have had to move the router back into the office
so that it can connect via Ethernet.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 8-7-2013 at 06:32 |
I should also point out that the humidity sensor isn't working properly at the moment either, but I've got a new one on order.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 9-7-2013 at 11:40 |
Having to go offline again for a bit.... ISP have asked me to plug the router back into the main socket.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 9-7-2013 at 13:10 |
OK, I've just tried a 3rd Wi-Fi dongle in the weather station computer and this time it connected wirelessly straight away so I can
leave the router plugged into the main telephone socket while the engineers test the line etc.
Don't know why the other two didn't work, especially seeing as one of them was a brand new one I bought just for this.
According to the ISP the errors on the line are something to do with the wiring in the house so it's better to have the router plugged
into the main telephone socket. I'm not sure I believe them but they have reset the signal to noise ratio on the line and we are
currently getting dizzying speeds of 3.3Mbps - The best we've ever had. I wonder how long it will stay way?
They have also said:
quote: Please be aware that this will also cause a new 10 day training period for your line which will mean that your speeds may
fluctuate and you may see occasional drops as the line pushes itself to test the bealance between stability and speed.
So it may be a little unstable for a while, but for now the weather station is once again up and running.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales