A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 570 Posts 606
Registered: 2-3-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: Spaced out
posted on 20-2-2011 at 18:08 |
Blue Beards Birthday
Rumour has it,
Blue beard never made it to the coast this weekend as he didnt want to lose his place in the queue for his free bus pass.
The massif had cake with loads of candles, to be honest, it looked more like a hedgehog! It was very nice though
So, Happy Birthday for this week dude!
Hope you have a good time!
posted on 20-2-2011 at 19:02 |
Hopefully you informed the fire brigade before lighting that many candles.
Happy birthday Neil.
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Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 275 Posts 622
Registered: 8-7-2003 Member Is Offline Mood: i'm never in a mood
posted on 23-2-2011 at 22:31 |
I didn't know it was your birthday Neil, hope you celebrated with some good quality beers and trust you received copious amount of
helicopters as gifts?
Many happy returns.
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 932 Posts 624
Registered: 24-8-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: rattle dem bones
posted on 24-2-2011 at 12:22 |
Today is the anniversary of that auspicious day when, many, many years ago a squealing, kicking little bundle of joy came into the
world, and little about Neil has changed since.
Few know that he is in fact Methusula's elder cousin, but is remarkably well preserved - testament to the pickling qualities inherent
in real ale.
We had a great party for the venerable one last weekend, with a large cake and a vaste array of candles - so many in fact that a couple
of passing tramps came over to warm themselves for a while.
Sadly the birthday boy wasn't present to mark this significant milestone, but everyone else had a great time on his behalf.
And Dunk's remark about queuing for a bus pass is of course totally untrue.
(You order them online nowadays)
You know INSTINCTively when you're living on the EDGE...