A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 275 Posts 622
Registered: 8-7-2003 Member Is Offline Mood: i'm never in a mood
posted on 9-3-2010 at 20:49 |
Great story - very funny
Totally true story, happened on Sunday. This isn't a wind up, take the time to read it, worth it as is really funny.
Colleague at work has got a friend who has an autistic teenager, 14, quite a big lad.
His mum left him at home alone saying she was just popping out for an hour.
Ten minutes later the lad phones his mum.
"Mum, you have to come home quick, there's a troll and he's going mad." says the son.
The mum tells him to calm down and that there is no such thing as trolls.
Ten minutes later another phone call.
'Mum, i've got the troll and he's is going crazy, you have to come home now!"
Mum tells him to calm down etc...
Ten minutes later yet another call.
"Mum, the troll has gone crazy so I locked him in the garage. You need to come home now."
Mum apologises to her friend and goes home. She arrives to hear banging in the garage and wonders what the hell is going on. She opens
the door to see a midget! The lad had seen the midget walking down the street, thought he was a troll, ran over and picked him up!!!
The midget was too small to get away, and although he was livid. He was helpless and the lad locked him in the garage thinking he was
an evil troll.
What a brilliant story eh!!
A Force-of-Nature ***
Member #: 932 Posts 624
Registered: 24-8-2004 Member Is Offline Mood: rattle dem bones
posted on 10-3-2010 at 10:12 |
Best tell little Nick to avoid that neck of the woods then!
You know INSTINCTively when you're living on the EDGE...
posted on 10-3-2010 at 17:05 |
great story Tim
Spooks i'l llet you explain that comment to Nick.
Beware the small man, so the story goes; you do want to live long enought for us to celebrate your NEXT birthday?
founder of storm'n Normans van club!