posted on 25-5-2009 at 06:31 |
Wind on its way
The wind looks OK for Tuesday and Wednesday...
Shame I'll be working, but hopefully I'll be able to fit some evening sessions in. Will anyone else still be around?
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 25-5-2009 at 10:15 |
I have the week off and will be on da beach Tuesday. Not sure what time we'll stay until though. Andy
posted on 26-5-2009 at 03:51 |
Looking good at the mo... 25-30 knots NW, just contemplating whether or not to go out for an early one before work.. It 5am now and
perfectly light out there.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
A Force-of-Nature ***
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posted on 27-5-2009 at 11:22 |
DUDES - Leonardo Da Bok here! Full on Easterlies predicted for the weekend! is there a potential for the borth-effect to kick? I'm
thinking of heading down if the borth effect is likely to kick in this late in the year! Warm too.
Would be awesome to catch up with everyone again.
posted on 27-5-2009 at 11:30 |
Hi Leo, good to see you back here!
Weekend is looking pretty good at the mo and Ivor could well be on top form... keeping an eye on it for the next couple of days but at
the moment it looks promising.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 27-5-2009 at 14:50 |
We're hoping Ivor turns up, with the weather probably coming down on Friday and staying for a couple of days.
posted on 27-5-2009 at 15:29 |
Excellent... I missed you yesterday as I was working in the morning, mountain-biking in the afternoon and then went windsurfing in the
evening and managed to catch the windiest part of the day (purely luck).
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 28-5-2009 at 12:33 |
Forecast suddenly looks pretty poor for the weekend.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 28-5-2009 at 12:57 |
No, not looking good anymore. Still coming down to catch some sun on the beach anyway. Will probably be camped out in the estuary if
there's any light wind for Jules to get out on the water.
posted on 29-5-2009 at 07:41 |
Don't give up yet, there's still a chance that Ivor could put in an appearance.
Will you be bringing bikes as well Andy? Fancy a ride if there's no wind?
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 30-5-2009 at 05:11 |
Well, it touched 21 knots an hour or so ago but doesn't quite seem to be able to do it.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
Member #: 2324 Posts 102
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posted on 30-5-2009 at 15:39 |
Its just teasing
if its worth doing, its worth over doing.
Kitesurfing and activity breaks
posted on 31-5-2009 at 05:02 |
There was plenty in the estuary and lots of people out kiting. 20 knots anyway and the sun was shining.
There was enough wind for me but it looked a little busy out there by the time there was enough water so I didn't bother.
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 31-5-2009 at 07:07 |
Pretty windy at the mo... averaging around 20 knots here, probably 25 in the estuary.... Shame there isn't any water for a few
URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales