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Author: Subject: Parking at the Lifeboat Station

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Registered: 21-7-2002
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Mood: Just Chillin Dude

posted on 2-5-2003 at 14:45 Reply With Quote
Parking at the Lifeboat Station

Apparently the guy who runs the 'Its a Gift' shop in Borth and also owns part of the car-park that we use was complaining about the number of windsurfers parked in his car park...

Therefore, its probably best if we park over nearer to the lifeboat station in the public car park rather than the private one if at all possible. We don't want to upset him too much or he might stop us parking there altogether, put up height restrictions, start clamping etc. At least if we all park on the other side as much as possible, then he won't take any action to prevent us parking there and should we need to on really busy days, we'd probably get away with it.

Its best to keep everyone happy of possible and theres no real reason why we shouldn't park nearer the lifeboat station anyway.. I always do as the lifeboat station itself provides some shelter from the wind when I'm rigging.


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