Member #: 1 Posts 7350
Registered: 21-7-2002 Member Is Offline
Mood: Just Chillin Dude
posted on 20-12-2008 at 05:43
New Year Awards
I'm hoping to do the customary New Year Awards towards the end of January.
As in the past there will be a list of the most active people on the site and in the diaries along with any other awards you can think
So if you think someone deserves a nomination for an award then let me know. Either post here or if you would rather nominate someone
anonymously e-mail me and I'll see that it gets done.
It's all just for fun, but I'm also hoping to have a few prizes to give away. I don't have much at the moment, but if you or someone
you know has a business that could donate a suitable prize / service in exchange for a bit of pimping then let me know and I'll add it
to the prizes on offer.
Get nominating, and don't forget.. It could be you!