posted on 7-2-2011 at 12:07 |
2010 Hall of Fame
Better late than never, here are the top 10 from the Session
Diaries in 2010
Member / Number of Sessions
1. justal / 154
2. squiz /98
3. maker / 57
4. paul s / 51
5. krafty / 49
6. Son_of_Squiz / 44
7. mat_thorn / 43
8. snoozer11 / 42
9. dunk / 35
10. alunj / 32
And the top 10 most stoked members:
Member / Stoke Factor!
justal / 548
squiz / 372
maker / 190
krafty / 188
paul s / 172
snoozer11 / 168
Son_of_Squiz / 167
mat_thorn / 141
dunk / 139
pete b / 110
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© Alan R Cole 2000...justal@forces-of-nature.co.uk