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Author: Subject: New Interactive Map for Irish Sea surfers

Member #: 8776
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Registered: 27-1-2010
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posted on 13-7-2010 at 09:53 Reply With Quote
New Interactive Map for Irish Sea surfers

A new interactive map is now available online that makes it easier for sea users to record which parts of the Irish Sea are important to them. You can find the map at

The information gathered through the interactive map will play an important role in developing recommendations for Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea project area.

The information will be given to the people who are developing the recommendations for Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea – the Regional Stakeholder Group. The group will then be able to take this into consideration as they recommend the sites, sizes, number and shapes of the zones.

The stakeholder group is made up of around 40 sea users drawn from the many and varied interests in the Irish Sea, from commercial fishermen to yachtsmen and sea anglers.

We especially want to encourage people who use the Irish Sea for recreation to tell us about the places that are important to them.

We are keen to hear from wind surfers, surfers, kite surfers, land yachters, kite buggyers, blokarters and anyone else who uses the Irish Sea for recreation.

If you want to make sure your activities are considered by the Regional Stakeholder Group, but do not want to use the interactive map, you can still contact the Irish Sea project and arrange to talk to one of our liaison officers. Just email or call 01925 813 200 and ask for Matthew.

If you need help using the interactive map, contact Kieran on 01925 856 230.

For more information, visit

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