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Weather for the BH weekend
justal - 23-5-2007 at 18:29

What's it gonna do???

Look as though there could be light NW for Saturday, and a moderate NE for Sunday...

Maybe I'll have to get a kite out as there doesn't look to be enough for windsurfing.... Now that WOULD be an event!


shem - 23-5-2007 at 19:08

Jojn us Al, I bet that Gk I gave you has got cobwebs on it!

nick-r - 23-5-2007 at 20:27

.......morgans bart simpson kite does'nt count.

justal - 23-5-2007 at 20:53

We'll have to wait and see what the weather brings us and if I can be bothered to pump a kite up!


AndyW - 27-5-2007 at 16:24

Any thoughts on the forecast and conditions for Monday / Tuesday for Borth?

Looks like Northerly for Monday and from the West for Tuesday?

Is the wind gonna turn up?


justal - 27-5-2007 at 18:28

Forecasts are all over the place at the mo Andy... This morning was good, gusting to 30 knots in the estuary and it is now picking back up again to a similar strength.

Tomorrow looks OK as long as it does swing NW rather than dead N, and if the sun comes out it could be really good. Tues and Weds keep changing at the mo but there is another low pressure system coming through it just depends how it shapes up by Tues... Its a difficult call at the mo.


AndyW - 27-5-2007 at 19:07

I might check the real time wind map and forecasts in the morning and might make the trip and hope for the best.

If its flat I can always use my 6.9m or 8.0m sails ;-)

justal - 28-5-2007 at 10:40

Not looking so good for Tues and Weds at the mo.
