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Still no stars on the chart
justal - 16-6-2006 at 12:14

Where has all the wind gone?? There still aren't any stars on the windguru charts. I know we've had a few sneaky NE's in the estuary and NW sea breezes over the past couple of weeks, but it isn't the same as a proper low-pressure. Plus it doens't give us a nice forecast to get excited about.

Time for DIY and BBQ's I guess.


Impi - 16-6-2006 at 12:40

There had better be something on Sunday as I have just dented my credit card on some more kit. DOOOWWW, thats why there is no wind!!!!!. Perhaps there is a chance of something further North that may be worth the drive. Please Mr Windgod, be kind to us.

justal - 16-6-2006 at 16:43

Come on then, what goodies have you bought??... Hopefully a 12m sail and BIG board looking at the forecast!!


Impi - 16-6-2006 at 17:40

Ha if I had bought that it would be blowing a hoolie.
I have managed to get my mits on a used JP FSW 102, to get my lard arse planing a little earlier with my 6.4 and 5.7. I dont know why as there is not much wrong with my current kit. Maybe the lack of wind has made me do it. Sounds like a valid excuse.

justal - 16-6-2006 at 17:52

Too much money..Thats your problem!!!

Sounds good though, I shall be in need of a new quiver of boards soon too. Not sure what I want though. I guess a 75 ltr wave board, 85 litre Freestyle wave and a 100 litre allrounder??


adam - 16-6-2006 at 20:22

I get to have an ice cream and go on this if there is no wind: />

justal - 17-6-2006 at 05:37

Hang on, things are looking up.... There are stars on the horizon!!!

Impi - 17-6-2006 at 09:57

Yeah but no but ....... thats in the middle of the week!!!! Some of us have to work to pay off all the equipment we have purchased and there is no chance I will be able to sneak a day off this week. Oh crap!!!

justal - 17-6-2006 at 21:23

Thats a shame, Wednesday is looking good at the moment.
