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Humidity Sensor not working
justal - 9-5-2006 at 11:51

Looks as though there is a problem with the humidity sensor on the weather station at the moment. I've been up the ladder and checked the connections etc and all seems OK so it may be that the sensor itself has failed. I shall look into it a little more but if I have to get a new sesnor and replace it I may have to take the station offline for an hour or two... Everything else is working fine at the mo though so nothing too much to worry about... If only there was more wind about!

I won't be doing anything in the next few days though as it will take me a while to work out what the problem is and get the various parts that need replacing.


mNeil - 9-5-2006 at 12:06

thats great Al but how was the holiday?

justal - 9-5-2006 at 12:43

Give me a chance... full report coming soon... My diary entries have been updated though.


justal - 20-5-2006 at 05:15

Right, I've got a new combined Temperature / Humidity Sensor, now I just have to wait for a nice day to climb the pole and work out how to exchange it with the broen one... The weather station will be offline whilst I do it.


justal - 1-6-2006 at 18:10

I've been up the telegraph pole and have replaced the temperature and humidity sensor so it is all working now... As I was doing it the temperature sensor was exposed to the sun for a minute or so, so todays max temperature is a degree or two higher than it should be.. I also knocked the rain bucket a couple of times so the station thinks we had a bit of rain this afternoon at about 5pm... We didn't!!

Hopefully these components won't break too often as it could get expensive if they do.
