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rob - 14-2-2006 at 23:31

it is seriously windy out there at the moment! no doubt it will all disappear in time for tomorrow!

justal - 15-2-2006 at 07:42

Yep... Same old story as usual.... Last night was the windiest it has been so far since the weather station was set up with a maximum gust of 40.2 knots!!!

Of course now that it is light it is only about 6 knots... Grrrrr.


justal - 15-2-2006 at 07:47

Sorry.. I just checked the 'All Time Records' section of the weather station pages and I got it wrong... That was todays maximum gust which occured just after midnight, yesterdays maximum gust which occurred just before midnight was more than that!!!.


rob - 15-2-2006 at 10:51

whichever way you look at it, it was pretty mad! gonna try and drum up some enthusiasm from the sleeping masses upstairs today and see if we can get out in the estuary for a while. are you hoping to get out at all today?