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booger - 24-6-2005 at 23:54

come on fellas hit us up with what your all listening to at the moment, im in need of some new tunes and tunes that get you amped before a boog.

Airborne - 25-6-2005 at 09:51

Its all about "Jimmy Eat World" for me at the moment, American band...absolutley great music, i'll be playing their album "Bleed American" all summer getting ready for the sponge.

I also start listening to my other surf music which is kind of a genre of its own (no people singing) i just class it as surf music because most of the tracks are on the Mickey Smith films lol. They're like surf DJ's if you know what i mean. "Quantic" and "Bonobo". They always get me stoked, wanting to get in the sea.

How about everyone else?

[Edited on 25-6-2005 by Airborne]

booger - 26-6-2005 at 04:32

yeah its amazing how a surf vid can turn a shit song into a great one

i dont really have a amp up song at the moment i used to listen to abit of the used (first cd) as amp up songs like taste of ink and shit were pure gold and abit of mest was good

now i listen to more aus type of punk like sunk loto, 28days before surfs

i mainly cruise to hip hop, rnb and aussie/nz hip hop (downsyde, scribe etc) dunno if you guys would of heard of any of this stuff over there

i have heard of jimmy eat world but cant remember the music style, what kind of band are they??

Airborne - 26-6-2005 at 10:39

Yeh, lol a bodyboarding DVD can do that. But then again i seem to like the songs thats they put on it. Hehe.

Sorry booger i haven't heard of any of the aussie bands you mentioned, i will look them up.

That's cool how you listen to The Used (1st CD) to amp up because thats what i do. I love that CD, it has at least 2 "bodyboarding" songs on that album from the Mickey Smith sponging film - Metaphyzikal...the two tracks are "Taste of Ink" (which u mentioned) and "Noise and Kisses".

"Taste of Ink" is the track used on the Metaphyzikal DVD on the Danny Wall drop knee section.

Jimmy Eat World are an american band that are rock/punk...but they also do some slowish songs to.

You can listen to some short clips of the songs on the album im listening to here. The quality is a bit rubbish, but it should remind you of their music style:

go to
in the search bar select to search for "music albums"
type in jimmy eat world and search
the album i listen to at the moment is "jimmy eat world - bleed american" (second from top, blue front cover with tropheys)

[Edited on 26-6-2005 by Airborne]

MrSimes - 27-6-2005 at 08:33

OFFSPRING AND RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE are still the thing when your amped to surf. To chill sublime, gorillaz and 50cent do it just fine for me!

Airborne - 27-6-2005 at 09:35

Yup, offspring is an amazing band to get you amped for surfing, i like gorillaz too.

booger - 28-6-2005 at 08:59

offspring is alright but not really a band to get u amped up for a surf need something abit heavier (but not slit your wrist shit) and preferably on a boogin vid as it reminds u off sick surf
Other good amp up songs i got from tension 4 n supastars2 were opions and misunderstood from mest.
use 50 cent before u wanna go out and start fights and shoot people it reminds you of gangstaz in queens (jokin), god i hate 50 cents style, GGG-Unot

Airborne - 30-6-2005 at 11:28

i agree, i personally dont like most of the rap/Rn'B/gangster genres...i think rock etc. is more suited to getting amped to go surfing in my opinion. Mostly because most surfers aren't gangsters