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body board repair
rip2190 - 11-4-2004 at 01:24

hey im not all pro at this but i needed to know what the best was to repair a bb w/ bubbles on it (caused by sunlight and heat) all advice is greatly appreciated!!

Airborne - 11-4-2004 at 16:27

Hi rip 2190, nice to have another bodyboarder on the forum. I have the exact same problem that you have. I went on holiday to France and left my board on the inside of the car on top of the boot cover. The sun beat down on it and when i returned it had several bubbles in it due to the heat. The deck of the bodyboard was spongey, so it was probably worse than a proffesional board deck. Fortunately, it was only a £20 slick stick board! And unfortunately for you i don't think that you can get rid of the bubbles, so you can't repair it. Sorry. I got a newer better board, and wasn' that upset about the ruined board because it was cheap. This might be a different case for you. I've still kept the ruined one because it is still useable. You can either put up with it. (It didn't really bother me when sponging) Or you'll have to buy a new board. You could still ask one of the more experienced bodyboarders, you might be able to get a new deck. But, with the money you spend on that, you could put towards buying a new board.

Hope this has helped.


wez - 12-4-2004 at 10:50

no mate i think its safe to say its nacked ,get a new board and use the old one for shore breaks

Airborne - 15-4-2004 at 09:44

Hey wez, are shore breaks when the waves are breaking quite powerfully onto the beach where the is shallow water, so if you bail you hit the bottom (sand)?

mexican bandit - 15-4-2004 at 12:03


shorebreaks are just that, in some cases they are the second or third time a wave breaks (after breaking on a reef or outer sand bar). The classic example is the Waimea shore break and the acronym TOAD (take of and die!).

Rip 2190,

If it is your dearmost board and you don't have enough for a new one you could try injecting glue into the bubbles and then laying a heavy book over the patch.

The only problem is that most boards have thermowelded joints (the plastic is melted together) and glues don't always hold on that well. It happened to the rail of my first boards; after many repars I just ripped of the piece and ended up with a rough finish over the area.

Mexican bandit.

toobalicious - 4-5-2004 at 07:09

i got a bubble in my board the other day up near the nose, only little. i didnt let it bother me too much i waxed over it enough so i wouldnt slip because of it now it functions just the same

its only realy a problem if it is still getting bigger, dont leave it out again

Airborne - 5-5-2004 at 19:00

Thanks for the shorebreak advice mex. bandit!