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FON 1...Alan 0
justal - 15-10-2002 at 16:33

Forces-of-Nature 1 ..... Alan 0

How windy was that!!!. I didn't stay out much longer than about 10 minutes and that was more than enough. I had a 3.4m sail and my waveboard, but just couldn't hang on. Trouble was, the one time I did let go the board and rig just went tumbling off downwind. Even without me on it, it wouldn't stay on the water as the wind just kept picking it up into the air and throwing it around. When I eventually caught up with it I decided that enough was enough and struggled back up the beach to my van which had been well and truly sandblasted.

Hmmm....Anyone got a 2m sail they don't want!


paul - 15-10-2002 at 20:08

2m ? ?

might be ok as long as your sailing a skateboard !

justal - 15-10-2002 at 21:19

I think a skateboard would have been just fine today...with the trucks and wheels on to add a little drag.
