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Anyone surfed etc. in West France?
Airborne - 21-3-2004 at 21:16

I was wondering what the surf is like near La Sauzaie or Les Dunes On the west coast of France in the Vendee. I've been to Les Dunes once and it was quiet good. I'd like to hear some info, advice, comments, experiences etc. on this place or anywhere on the West to South West part of France. Just like to discuss it with anyone seeing as i'm going to Les Dunes this year. I'd also like to hear what La Sauzaie is like. It looks really good. If you want more info go to:< br />
Anyway, if you want to discuss the surf on the West/South West Coats of France please post here. Thanks.

Here's a little photo of the surf at Sauzaie:

bucski - 22-3-2004 at 08:28

i've done a lot of surfing round hossegor, caprbreton, anglet, guethary and further down etc..
if you want any advice regarding that region let me know

SinistaPenguin - 22-3-2004 at 10:57

Hi Airbournre

I have surfed around the area (my parents have a house on the island of Noirmoutier about 45 mins north of La Sauzaie.)

I haven't surfed at La Sauzaie itself, because last time over there I was still a bit wary of surfing on reefs. Sauzaie is a reef break and at the time, my only method of 'dismount' was to fall off!!

Just south of there is Sauveterre, which is a little more awkward to get to but is has a rip taking you nicely to the lineup and the waves break on a sand bar, which seems to work quite like a reef but hurts less. It's also less crowded that Sauzaie.

There are quite a lot of good spots around there, the whole coast has lots of beach. Plus it's not as well know as Hossegor etc further south.



Airborne - 26-3-2004 at 18:03

Hi guys, sorry about not replying too soon!
First of all bucski: i've wanted to go to Hossegor for ages. I was going to take a surf holiday there with my family, until we realised that one; it was a bit too expensive. And two; my brother wouldn't dare bodyboard in that huge surf...i was a bit unsure. But you know what they say: "Know your limitations, go out only if you know you can surf in the conditions"...or something like that. I would love it if you could get me some info, advice, images etc. on that area. Cheers.
Hello Sinister (i love you new avarta). It must be so nice to have parents that live there near the surf and heat. Do you visit there often? I know what you mean about surfing over reefs, i don't think i could do that yet. Do you know if La Sauzaie as a part of the beach where the bottom is sand? I think i'll try and find Sauveterre, it sounds nice and i pressume it has good waves? It reliefs me to hear that it has a sand bottom. Have you got a site i can visit for more info on Sauveterre?
I'd love to go to Hossegor, but i do love the Vendee region and its surf, even though it is rather windy!
Please reply...thanks!

SinistaPenguin - 29-3-2004 at 13:18

Hi Airbourne

You're right, the Vendee can get very windy. It's very popular with windsurfers.

That said, sometimes it can be classic.

It's difficult to find a comprehensive website on this area, but wannasurf have a few reviews and quite a lot of pictures: />
Bud Bud, looks like a pretty good spot (beachbreak) 'cos I think La Sauzaie is all reef (at least where the waves break).

Sauveterre can be great, but I think the sand bars sometimes make it a bit of a slow wave. Still check out Wannasurf. If you speak French there are probably other useful sites.

Looks like I'm heading out there in July. My parents don't actually live there, but they have a holiday home. I haven't been for 6 years!!



SinistaPenguin - 29-3-2004 at 13:18

Don't know what happened with the link - try this:

Airborne - 3-4-2004 at 13:31

I love the wannasurf website as well. That's where i got the image above from of Sauzaie. Sinister, do you or have you windsurfed or whatever you do near Royan, just below La Rochelle. I went to a place called La Tremblade around that area on a summer holiday. The beach there was going mad!
The power and force nearly pushes you over. I'm not sure which beach it is, but iknow if you go on, click on spot atlas, europe, france and then Charente Maritime. It's one of those beaches...i think it may be just above or right near the beach called
La Coubre. If you look on a map you can see a place called Point de la Coubre. Check the webpage out: rente_maritime/La_Coubre/index.html
Have you been any where near there? If not where else have you visited in France?

Nice to talk with you.

SinistaPenguin - 5-4-2004 at 14:53

Hi Airbourne

I'm a surfer really, done a bit of windsurfing but been surfing for 16 years.

I've never made it that far south with my board. I have been to Biarritz, but it was before I started surfing, so I can't really comment. I've 'surfed' Hossegor if you count Transworld Surf on the XBOX!! I got attacked by lots of sharks!

I'd love to get back over there and explore a little more.


justal - 5-4-2004 at 17:32

I surfed at Biarrittz many years ago... And at Hossegor, Lacanau and Hendaye... Can't remember much about the places now though and things will have changed since I was there, that I'm sure of.


Airborne - 5-4-2004 at 20:28

wow you do get around justal. sinister is as crazy as should go more if poss.
I've heard that Seignosse, western france is the most famous spot in france! Anyone been there or near it?

SinistaPenguin - 8-4-2004 at 14:54


Being based in Notts, I'm surprised you haven't been forced to try out Sutton-On-Sea near Skeggy!!


Airborne - 9-4-2004 at 09:35

You know i've been wanting to try there for ages, it lokks pretty good but the water looks pretty dirty! Have you been there? I ought to force my parents to take me for a day. I've seen it on


SinistaPenguin - 15-4-2004 at 14:48

Hi Airbourne

The water is brown, but it's not actually that dirty, it's sediment from the mud flats rather than pollution.

I've never actually taken my board up there, but I've watched plenty of people. I think the Wannasurf pages are a little misleading as they only show it on good big days.

I would expect about 2-3 ft maximum normally and because it's so exposed it's bound to blow out easily.

It's always been pretty messy when I've been there - I've never seen it look like the Wannasurf pics!



bucski - 23-4-2004 at 14:47

hi airbourne

sorry, haven't looked at this post for a while
email me directly with any questions you have regarding south west france and i'll help if I can.
