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broken cars
badexcuseforasailor - 10-10-2003 at 21:10

After seeing the aftermath of the alfa and lorry coming together I found out my Dad had a go at bending a car too


badexcuseforasailor - 10-10-2003 at 21:12

After a blow out at 90mph in the desert in tunisa

Wolfman - 11-10-2003 at 18:01

Well if you're going to do it might as well do it in style! Hope he was ok! Where was the alfa and lorry sounds nasty. If your into wrecks check out teh wreckked exotics website
I could post a pic of my own but its too painful wasn't my fault I hasten to add!!

SeanBo - 11-10-2003 at 20:18

Don't tease us Wolfman....come on a and post it!

Dave - 12-10-2003 at 18:08

Not the prancing pony I hope.