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Missed a legend
SeanBo - 7-10-2003 at 15:01

Could not decide if Poole or Portland would get the besyt wind at the weekend so went to Poole as it is nearer.

Looks like the wind was better at Portland, but more importantly Bjorn Dunkerbeck was sailing there as part of the Weymouth Speed did I miss that

paul - 7-10-2003 at 17:45

any idea what times he was doing compared to everyone else ?

SeanBo - 8-10-2003 at 16:04

full results are available at :-

Weymouth Speed Week 2003

Hvaing a quick look through BD managed 29.76knots in a 15-17knot wind on his best run


Wes - 8-10-2003 at 19:01

I saw him down there yeterday and damn that guy is fast! I thought I was cranking on my 8.0 and found out I might as well have been going backwrds! Mind you, I nearly had a hart attack when I realised who walked past and said "morning" when i was unpacking the kit from the van!

Wes - 8-10-2003 at 19:03

Oh, and will post some pictures when i get the latest film back from developing, (not gone digital yet, can't afford a digital SLR body as well as new kit!) Probably be a week or so B4 I finish the film.

SeanBo - 8-10-2003 at 22:06


Digital SLR would be great, but even a cheap(ish) digital is a worthy investment. Go on and treat yourself!