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shem - 21-8-2011 at 20:42

Wonder if Ivor will show up tomorrow or more likely on Tuesday, be nice to see him for a summer session and his usual September long visit comes about! Any one free early Tuesday if he does?

justal - 22-8-2011 at 05:00

I could be, although I'm not really expecting Ivor to arrive yet. However, a nice flat water session in the estuary would be the ideal thing to see if my ankle can cope with windsurfing again yet.


shem - 22-8-2011 at 22:57

Bit blowing now, call me if your heading in Al!

justal - 23-8-2011 at 05:17

OK, might pop down in a mo and take a look... Probably about 20 knots at the mo.
