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HELP!!! 2007 boxer??!!
simonc15 - 10-7-2008 at 12:08

hi i have recently bought a 2007 boxer, and the saftey leash on it is above the depower strap and is therefore taught all of the time. this means that the bar cannot spin freely to untangle lines. as i am fairly new to kitesurfing i was wonderin is there a way this can b changed at all?


dunk - 10-7-2008 at 17:56

Hey dude,

Is ita boxer sle?

If so, I have one too. I clip my leash to the metal lop on the chicken loop ( the one used for 5th line on other kites) That just means I'm leashed to my kite if my saftey releases.

Where your leash clips on above the de-power, you need to need to make an "oh shit" handle, so you can grab hole of that and release everthing else should things go tits up. It will "flag out" the kite on one line.

To be honest with the amout of de-power you've got after you've pushed past the stopper I dought you'll need it.

Hope this make sense........


simonc15 - 10-7-2008 at 20:54

cool will try that. also lol to pick more brains, atm i ride with the 2:1 config an was wondering what is the difference between that an the 1:1 an which is prefered?

thnaks again

Pluto - 10-7-2008 at 20:58


Not all leash systems are spinning ones! Most newer kites have several leash attatchment points depending on your style/preferances. Not all of these options offer the same level of safety, so be careful what you use.

If you're not sure, get someone to look at it for you and make sure you test it regularly too.

dunk - 11-7-2008 at 08:13


I do agree with Paul, if your a "newbe" be careful.

There is a bonus for you leash not spinning, after you make a back rotation, it'll make you do a front rotation.

In 1:1 Less bar pressure, more direct feel,but less de-power

In 2:1 More bar pressure, less direct, more de-power.

If your a newbe ride 2:1 at first. When you get a light ish day when there's loads of space on the beach then you can play with your settings to see the difference and which will suit your style.

Be aware, clipping to you chicken loop "suicide leash", its not called that for nothing!
