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Happy Birthday Al!
Joe - 11-12-2002 at 07:45

Hi Al,

I wish you a happy birthday today!
All the best, good luck and good health!

Once again, I like the "Forces of Nature" web site. Keep up the good work. Thanks for supplying us with such a wonderful tool to keep in touch and informed about our favorite sport.

Have a nice day.


[Edited on 11-12-2002 by Joe]

markh - 11-12-2002 at 18:22

Happy Birthday!

Get any nice new Windsurfing toys?

justal - 12-12-2002 at 16:40

Cheers Guys....
Another year older!

I got a set of harness lines for my birthday and the Tonix films DVD which has:
Francisco Goya's Alive
Resonance and
Jump on it.

I haven't watched it yet though as I don't have a DVD player!!!

I still haven't got my computer working again either and its beginning to p*ss me off know... Anyone here know anything about Macs??...I can't get mine to connect to the internet properly anymore. It used to be fine, but won't play now!


justal - 18-12-2002 at 09:22

The DVD was good.... The 'Jump' section that I was looking forward to wasn't great, but the rest of it was.

I also got some wetsuit shampoo and a Reef Calendar...Which came with a Reef CD-ROM too, so I can see the Reef Girls moving!!


Dave - 19-12-2002 at 18:05

Happy belated birthday wishes, you mentioned the Reef calendar and I just thought you were sneaking a look at your Xmas pressies.

Have a good Christmas as I doubt we'll see you before then.