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any body out at borth sunday monday tuesday maybe wednesday?
rob - 22-7-2004 at 18:23

anybody else hoping to be around over the weekend? no doubt you'll be up for a sesh al?

justal - 22-7-2004 at 21:47

I shall be around, but the wind isn't looking great, although therer is the possibility of it becoming just about usable tomorrow, and then again maybe on Sat afternoon and sunday morning.

Nothing epic on its way for the foreseeable future though, and if its dry I should do some work to make up for lost time this month. Pop around to the house if you don't see me on the beach Rob.


justal - 23-7-2004 at 05:46

Actually, all of a sudden Saturday and Sunday look a little better windwise now... especially Sunday.


justanna - 23-7-2004 at 07:45

What a surprise! There goes that extra work!

kelvin - 23-7-2004 at 08:18

Anna about time you set up a Winsurfing Widows web site so all like minded people could get together and chay and moan whilst the other halfs are out enjoying themselves , he,he

rob - 23-7-2004 at 18:04

windsurfing widows... that has a ring to it... perhaps you could make some money out of that kelvin?!?

i'll come and give you a shout if i dont see you about al, have you got the photos developed yet from the honeymoon?

i was pricing some plywood up in b&q the other day to make a board (!) - 20mm thick should do the job, seeing as i don't want it too stiff, right?? i can get a 6' x 4' 20mm sheet for £25, do you reckon 170-180 cms would be about right lengthwise?
