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Airborne - 26-5-2016 at 01:05

Well, this is weird! Just having a drink on a Wednesday night/very early Thursday you do.

I haven't posted on here in 9 years! I was 14 when I first signed up to this forum and now I'm 27, jeez that is scary. Looking back on some of my posts and I'm finding it hilarious! Oh what a simpler time it was when the Internet was new and I was younger. Such nostalgia!

I haven't bodyboarded in years either, and my random enthusiasm to get to the coast and start up again reminded me of this place. Great to see it's still up and running, Justal! I made a fair few friends on here.

Next time I get a chance to get some waves again (winter time now probably) I'll try and post. Hope everyone is doing well!

justal - 26-5-2016 at 04:16

Nice one... If that makes you feel old imagine how it makes me feel!!

The good news is that I was out in the waves only yesterday, albeit on an old-man long-board SUP rather than a short-board but that was dictated by the conditions.

Get yourself here, back in the water and re-live the good old days!
