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Why to learn to surf in a Surf Camp?
tnfsurfer - 13-3-2012 at 01:14

There are many reasons to learn surf in a Surf Camp, I just gonna tell you some of them.

  1. Most of the camp are close to the beach
  2. Surf Camp are cheap
  3. While you are in a Surf Camp you always surf safe
  4. You´ll find all kinds of boards so you´ll have surf material as you need
  5. You surf every day for a while that helps you to improve your surf and take advantage of your surf lessons better
  6. The Surf Camp will provide you every thing you need as food, personal care and a place to sleep right there, saving time for you to enjoy
  7. Meeting people is standard in a Surf Camp

    [Edited on 13-3-2012 by tnfsurfer]