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beginer boards
scotty - 2-8-2004 at 17:37

a mate is looking to get his kids into surfing or bodyboarding and as a windsurfer havn't got a clue about what board to advise getting idealy something the whole family can learn on from 6 years upwards

justal - 2-8-2004 at 19:22

Its got to be the good old 7'6" Minimal which is what pretty much always gets suggested as an allround board for beginners.

That will be fine for the adults to learn on and still provide enough 'performance' once they get the hang of it. It may be a little too big for the kids once they get the hang of it, but it will be fine for them to start messing about on.... They will get the hang of it much quicker than the adults though!!!

The weight difference between an adult and a 6 year old child is going to be quite big though, so finding a board that will be perfect for all will be difficult (as it would with windsurfing), you'll all be fine to start with on a minimal though.

The other thing to bear in mind for the kids is that 'proper' surfboards will give you quite a knock when they hit you, in a way a foam trainer board (usually blue and yellow and made by 'Swell') would be safer and esult in fewer bruises for the children...

I'm sure you'll end up needing more than one board anyway or else you'll all be arguing over who's turn it is next!

Have fun.
