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Hayling boot sale?
Spencer - 27-9-2003 at 16:54

HI all, Can anyone confoirm that is indeed the hayling island bootsale tomorrow,i know its suppossed to be the last Sun. of every month but wanna double check!!! Ta...

badexcuseforasailor - 27-9-2003 at 17:48

As far as I know its always the last Sunday of the month

markh - 30-9-2003 at 16:38

Did you make it? Went down there on Sunday and was lucky enough to pick up a couple of virtually unused Tushingham Vulcans for £100 each. 4.0 and 4.5m

Let's hope they see some use soon!

Windguru is predicting pretty reasonable conditions for that area this weekend.

badexcuseforasailor - 30-9-2003 at 19:07

No offence but buying them small sails I hope your not coming to borth

I bought a boom in the summer and was 3 weeks before I could use it

markh - 2-10-2003 at 10:37

Not Borth unfortunately - just too far for a weekend

But be warned - I might be coming up to Brogborough in a few weeks time! My sister has just moved to Ampthill so next time I visit I'll take the kit with me.

Spencer - 2-10-2003 at 13:43

yeah made it down markh but not till 10ish,lots of sails for sale like u said... im lokking for a newish 80ltr wave board but everything there seemed to be 70 or 90ltrs..bummer. are u local to that area?

markh - 2-10-2003 at 15:33

I wish I was! Have been looking sporadically at jobs around Bournemouth and Poole but not very seriously just yet, so until then am up in West London. Try to head down to the coast a couple of times a month though.

There were some wave boards listed on Boards website being sold along the coast recently. I ended up getting one from French Connection in Poole who were getting rid of old stock - F2 Wave 252 in good condition for £175.

[Edited on 2-10-2003 by markh]