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ezme - 13-9-2010 at 19:37

Hi all,
Beginning the sport, but spending too much time in the water for my liking. Anybody ever seen or used a stabiliser to help steady the board while learning. Found this on net. />
Appreciate any suggestions comments.


Poole Windsurfing - 23-12-2010 at 12:32

Hey Ezme,

Never seen that done before - liking the initiative they are showing!
(the problem they will have had is the board in the photo just doesn't have the necessary volume to 'float their boat', as it were.

But, seriously you just need to be learning on a windsurf board that is suited to your size/weight and you will do just fine.

At Poole Windsurfing we use a range of windsurf boards so that we have one to suit any size/shape of student. You need to look at the volume (how how water the windsurf board will displace) when choosing the right size windsurf board. We use anywhere from 180lt, 190lt, 200lt & 220lt boards for all our beginner windsurfing students.

Your required windsurf board volume can be worked out by taking your weight, the weight of the board & rig then doubling it to give you a 'reserve volume' which is double that of what is needed to just make you float. When working this out you need to know that 1 litre of volume is equal to 1kg of weight.

For more information about choosing the right windsurfing equipment have a look at this article:
Windsurfing Equipment Needed? A Buyers Guide

And for a great program that does all the board, sail & fin size calculations for you have a look here:
Ultimate Windsurfing Equipment Size Calculator

Hope this helps to explain things a little.