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Help I have no mast foot
up2bewild - 23-8-2006 at 11:14

Hi There, I'm hoping that someone might be able to help me out. Many Many years ago I use to do some windsurfing and been thinking about getting back into it. I was give an old alpha 230a but its missing the mast foot. It would seem that this board is soooo old that I can't get a new one. So I was wondering if any one has one that they could part with or know where I might be able to get hold of one.


justal - 25-8-2006 at 05:28

As it looks as though no-one here can help, your best bet will be to visit your local windsurf shop, or phone one of the larger windsurf shops... No doubt one of them will have some old bits of kit lying around and may have something that will suit.... Either that ir use this as an excuse to HAVE to buy a more modern board!!
