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markh - 17-3-2004 at 14:37

I've got a couple of small dings to the nose of two of my boards. They look quite superficial so would it be enough just to get a gelcoat repair kit? I'm not quite sure what to look for so if you know of any websites with example pics let me know.

Having said that I did read up on the instructions at and it seems a bit OTT to use glass matting + resin for the damage I can see.

ta Mark

dunk - 17-3-2004 at 16:05

If its just the gel-coat, then gel- filler will be fine. if its a bit deeper use a marine filler. "International" watertite (that's the correct spelling honest) is a good one, Its the one I use anyway for both gell coat and deeper repairs. If its gone through to the core then you'll need resin etc.

Don't know if its a coloured board , as there are some coloured kits on the market. Watertite is white.

I have a few gell coat chips on my nose, but I leave them so when i sell it , you can see they are small chips. I would offer to repair before I sold though.

If you want 'International" watertite I'll be coming to the bst (hopefully) I could bring you some over.

Hope thats some help

markh - 17-3-2004 at 16:27

Thanks dunk, I'll take another look when I get home this evening and make an assessment. Am pretty sure they haven't gone through to the core though.

The International Watertite sounds like good stuff - does it take long to dry? I can just see my wanting to use one of those two boards as soon as I get to Borth and not having the patience to wait while it cures!

dunk - 18-3-2004 at 12:38

Its a 2 part filler, 50/50 dries in about 1- 2 hrs depending on the air temp, if its gone through you could put some duck tape over it until you've got time to do the repair.

vdubs - 4-6-2004 at 09:34

I have had the same problem recenty, 1.5cm crack in rail just back from the nose, dont think it was punchered, just surface crack. After taking advise from the outlet where it was purchased I used a 2 part epoxy resin repair kit. Just lightly key area, mask to prevent overspill, apply and leave overnight to properly dry. Remove tape use fine wet/dry paper to remove high spots, then use it wet to make super smooth. Then Tcut and Car polish to make nice and shiny.

Hope this helps

This was the first time I attempted a repair and am really pleased with the results, can hardly see it.