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Setting up a 4 line kite - HELP!!
breeze - 17-2-2006 at 12:46


We have just brought a 4 line power kite off ebay (very cheap!). Now I know its not going to be the best quality and wont fly as well as some well known makes, but it is all we can afford for now and we are still very new to all this!
The problem we have is it comes without the lines set up - just 4 long bits of string really! Please could someone give me some idea of how long these lines should be? I think the kite is 3meters (if that makes a difference?). Should they be equal lengths? We are really struggeling!

thank you for your help!

justal - 17-2-2006 at 13:01

The actual length of the lines won't matter, somewhere between 15m and 40m will do with about 25m being average, the important thing is that all the lines are of equal length.... Check that they are before attaching them to the kite and you should end up being a happy-kite-flier!!


breeze - 17-2-2006 at 13:16

Oh thank you Justal! We had it completely wrong last time we tried to fly it then - good job no one was about to see!
Cant wait to have another go now!

willf - 17-2-2006 at 13:27

get a lesson or someone to show you, these kites can be dangerous, try not to fly it in wind more than 15mph to start or the pull will make you out of control, if you set it up wrong it will spiral through the pwerzone spinning out of control and drag you downwind, if your lucky you'll just get scared if your unlucky it will hurt, i have seen 3 different groups of people do this, not clever. they are not toys. but it is bloody funny watching people get spanked... ask anyone on the beach with kites they will help you.