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kitesurf skills
shawn - 6-6-2005 at 15:05

Whilst I'm getting better at this it's still proving tricky - I was out on sat with a 16.0 and found it impossible to do anything other than rip at a ludicrously high speed, almost straight down wind - the board was hardly touching the water at all & there was no way I could keep an edge, and when I did I just seemed to go faster and faster until I thought i ws gonna burst into flames....

Was I overpowered? Has anyone got any tips for not ending up miles downwind everytime I go out? I thought it ws just practice but still seem to go down wind even when it feels like I'm doing OK...?

willf - 6-6-2005 at 18:06

yes the answer is don't go to fast in the first place you sound like you may have been over powered but you need to be well powered to go up wind anyway. the idea is don't dive the kite too fast, if it's like thatn (powered), get up and engage your edge hard to put the breaks on straight away. this way you can bear off downwind if it's too slow or hold it as it is and dig that edge in harder if you start to accelerate. as they say "lock and load pilgrim". you should feel some strain in the tops of your legs from pushing against the kite.

the key is that the faster you go the more apparent wind you make the more powered you get the harder it is to edge and slow down. so start slow and give yourself a chance to control it. if this doesn't work change down a size and try again and maybe use a smaller board. and if that doesn't work, and you just go fast backwards and forwards then you may as well windsurf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he he.

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by willf]

chris - 6-6-2005 at 19:17

shawn, this is all much easier to do with flat water.

bucski - 6-6-2005 at 19:48

edge hard and keep the kite low ( if the kite is high and is holding lots of power you will find it hard to keep an edge and will scoot rapidly downwind at 8 zillion miles an hour) and and make sure your kite is fully depowered ( much easier to stay upwind when kite is depowered - providing there is enough wind of course!)

justal - 6-6-2005 at 20:11

And don't forget to look where you want to go. It can be surprising how much that simple act can help.


shawn - 7-6-2005 at 08:27

Cheers guys - great stuff, and all very relevant - I did have the kite very high, and was diving it really steep & belting off downwind instantly... The smaller size isn't an option at the mo' unfortunately...

Chris - is that 'Surfer Chris' from S'port?

chris - 12-6-2005 at 21:35

no its kite surfer chris from ynyslas