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Not on the water but........
Wes - 16-9-2003 at 11:16

I reckon that this must be a FoN sport, and bloody good fun as well. Taken at Gransden Lodge (Nr Cambridge) in tha last week of August during a competition, thats me in the back on that day, in the silly white hat!

Wes - 16-9-2003 at 11:18

And this is the glider from the outside.

Have not flown gliders for about 3 years until then, Can't wait to fly again and hopefully come better than mid table in the next comp.

SeanBo - 16-9-2003 at 13:22

I keep promising myself I will have a go, but never seem to get round to it. It must be an almost perfect complementary sport to windsurfing as I guess you can't fly when its too windy!

Is it expensive to get involved (not talking about buying, but lessons/hire that sort of thing)

Wes - 16-9-2003 at 18:10

I think a rough cost breakdown is:

Club membership 300/year (large club)
aerotow launch 20
winch launch 6
hire 10p /min

So not too bad. I finaced myself from about the age of 15 and managed to get myself to solo no problems at all, useing just winch launches.
You are right, in high winds its not much fun in a glider. Better to stay on the water really. Although having said that, during the competition I had my Palm Pilot and GPS tell me that there was 20knts of wind, and had to fly over Graffam water watching the sailing and windsurfing as I pushed into the head wind - almost made me turn back and get the van full of kit to go play. Worst thing was, thats the last peice of good wind I have seen! If need any advice on where/ when /what, let me know and I will help in the best way I can


Gmac - 17-9-2003 at 10:48

I had a go once (ages ago now), bought as a surprise birthday present... I wouldn't have done it otherwise, I must admit I was not looking forward to it at all, (heights a problem you see..) but it was brilliant. I even had a go Solo, well, with the instructor just sitting there.

Whilst up in the air I had no idea where I was.. when all of a sudden we landed...

Must take a lot of concentration and skill to master knowing where you are all the time.. Maybe one day I will give it another go..

SeanBo - 17-9-2003 at 15:29

Thanks for the info, but I have another club membership a necessity. If was only going to give it a couple of goes a year, could I just get some form of day membership?

(I know that a couple of days a year won't get me going solo, but it could still be a good fun day out!)

Ta in advance

Wes - 18-9-2003 at 11:06

I know that the club I learnt with did "trial flights" that included 1 launch (aerotow) flying time and 1 days membership (for insurace reasons) and then you could have as many goes as you wanted during the course of the day for the cost of the flight. Used to cost about £35, but that was a few years ago. Thats probably the best way of doing it. Might pay to have a look at the BGA website www.gliding to find a local club, then have a look at thier website to look at up to date pricing.
