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Mawddach Goldrush
justal - 14-1-2009 at 15:48

I've just signed up to do the Mawddach Goldrush on March 8th.

First MTB 'race' I've done so it should be a laugh.

Is anyone else doing it?


shem - 14-1-2009 at 20:11

hhmmm, Im gonna try the dyfi enduro this year Al, are you up for it? Kniow a few people that have doen this before and say its good. Dont really fancy a race, but may anyway.

justal - 15-1-2009 at 08:38

Maybe... I'll see how I enjoy the Goldrush first.


justal - 4-3-2009 at 08:03

Our team is a man down for Sunday..... Anyone feel like filling his boots so that I don't have to do two laps?


justal - 6-3-2009 at 12:02

Weather not looking great for MTBing either now... Looks good for windsurfing though.

Mawddach Goldrush - What am I letting myself in for?


badexcuseforasailor - 6-3-2009 at 12:06

You may get a few funny looks if you turn up at the start line with your windsurfing kit

justal - 9-3-2009 at 11:13

Well, we had fun yesterday. Weather wasn't great, cold windy and lots of hailstorms but the event was well organised and well run.

I drew the soirt straw and ended up going 3rd in our team and took 62 minutes to do my lap, by which time Mark and John my team-mates had gone home! Mark did his lap in 64 minutes and I think John's was 72 minutes. Although the official times will be a little different as John will have quite a bit of time added to his as he wasn't ready to go when Mark finished and I will too as I didn't have the fastest change over in the world. (Well, it was cold standing around waiting so once John was over the finish line and my time was ticking I had to take off several coats, some trousers, put on a thin water-proof jacket, attach the timing chip to my ankle and then head off!)

Others from Ystwyth Mountain Bike Club did well too. Siriol entered solo and did the three laps in 3hrs 35, Dave did two laps but pulled out as his back was playing up, Jimmy, Chirs and Ollie entered as a team and all did their laps in under an hour.

Brodie from the Aber uni MTB club had a pretty major off though and was air-lifted out in the air ambulance. I haven't heard the outcome of this yet, but hopefully all is well.

All in all it was a good day out... But I'm gonna need to put some training in ready for the Dyfi Enduro!


justal - 9-3-2009 at 11:21

Just got some more news on Brodie:

Apparently his bike looks OK! His Giro Atmos is a right off!!!

He basically fell 4m off the trail into a ravine and bounced quite a few times. The extraction was tricky, taking 40mins to do and involved some interesting splints and top notch extreme medics equipment. He was then transfered to the air Ambulance who decided it was too risky to fly him (it was too windy) so he was driven to Bronglais.

The outcome is ligament damage to the neck (sexy NHS collar) badly brusied shin and a hairline fracture but no cast or crutches.


justal - 10-3-2009 at 09:45

Official Times are in:
Relay results here (I’m the third lap under the name Martin Teece-Round)
Solo Results here.
