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broken forks
shem - 21-11-2007 at 16:05

To follow up from my diary entry, The guys in the bike shop have put a new set of forks straight in the post. It was a manufacturers fault, they where leaking from day1. So hopefully will have the bike back on the road by Friday, fingers X.

Top ride with the boys, especially good to be back biking with Reg after a 6 year break in my bike riding. New bike going well, until the seals blew!! Ive got to send them back and be bikeless, so lets see how quickly J E James Cycles dealwith problems!! ( gutted cos I wanted to go out agaion tommorow).

Any way top spin, lungs feel like theyre starting to warm up.

Love my chilled out winter hours!! Would have been a perfect session if things hadnt gone bang!

justal - 21-11-2007 at 16:43

Sounds OK Shem.... Hopefully your bike will be ready for another ride next week then.


shem - 21-11-2007 at 16:56

Ye, X fingers, I was keen for a spin tnite, bu obviously cant. May go Friday night for a quicky. ( And a ride, fnar fnar)!

adam - 21-11-2007 at 19:37

Sounds good service, its always a pain when new stuff breaks but at least you're getting sorted now.

Are they air sprung; what pressure did you have them set to?

shem - 21-11-2007 at 21:13

Air shocks, I had them set at 80psi, but they never really held it, so couldnt say accuretly what they where at

badexcuseforasailor - 21-11-2007 at 21:17

Ive got reba's on my bike. I run them at 110psi in both + and - chambers

shem - 22-11-2007 at 19:07

Got me new forks, so a good quick service, x fingers they last this time. What pressure do most people run theires on? Ive followed the guide, but they still seem a bit soft? would 150 be over the top?