I'm quite decided on going out in the freezing cold this winter, cos the wind is great and the uni club cheap (fiver for a day, driving
there and back included) what do you recommend to wear in 5-6 degree water? I already have a 5/3 (thanks a lot for advice on buying
that btw), I've been told a hood is always a good idea, also what about lycra under the wetsuit, what kind of boots (or socks with
summer boots?), any clothing above the wetsuit e.g. a waterproof plastic top?
I'm asking cos the coldest I've gone out so far was 12-15 degrees, that was ok with just a 5/3 (although my feet hurt after about 4
Cheers guys, awesome forum.
The water at brogborough where I normaly sail gets down to 5c in the winter. I find the best thing is not to fall in too much!
I normaly wear a neoprene hood, 5/3 semi dry suit, under the wetsuit I wear a fleecy rash vest or thermal base layer, proper wetsuit
boots, then palmless mitts or marrigolds on my hands. The only part that really gets cold is my hands and feet.
I normaly wear a boyancy aid in the winter for a bit more warmth
[Edited on 30-11-2006 by badexcuseforasailor]