Looks as though there is a possibility of some wind on Monday??.. At least enough for kite-surfing anyway.
Off out early in morn for trail ride on enduro bikes
fingers crossed for a thermal helper for aftnoon session !
Well, its almost 1am and the win is now gusting up to 17 knots, so we could be OK.
Its now 6 am and the wind is still around 17 knots... I might get out later.
Max gust of 25.8 knots in the last hour... time to load up my wheelbarrow and head to the beach!
Not bad in the end really. Max gust of 26.8 knots today although there was much less wind once actually on the water for some reason...
There is now a similar forecast for tomorrow as there was for today, so we could be in luck... It is pretty windy out there at the