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Wind on Easter Monday?
justal - 16-4-2006 at 21:51

Looks as though there is a possibility of some wind on Monday??.. At least enough for kite-surfing anyway.


kelvin - 16-4-2006 at 22:29

Off out early in morn for trail ride on enduro bikes
fingers crossed for a thermal helper for aftnoon session !

justal - 16-4-2006 at 23:46

Well, its almost 1am and the win is now gusting up to 17 knots, so we could be OK.


justal - 17-4-2006 at 05:29

Its now 6 am and the wind is still around 17 knots... I might get out later.


justal - 17-4-2006 at 06:38

Max gust of 25.8 knots in the last hour... time to load up my wheelbarrow and head to the beach!


justal - 17-4-2006 at 20:21

Not bad in the end really. Max gust of 26.8 knots today although there was much less wind once actually on the water for some reason... There is now a similar forecast for tomorrow as there was for today, so we could be in luck... It is pretty windy out there at the mo.
