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Looking Good at the mo.
justal - 6-4-2006 at 07:31

Just thought I'd let you know that it is looking good out there at the moment... 20-25 knots WSW. I would go out but have to be somewhere at 10am so wouldn't haver time by the time I have pfaffed around getting kit over there if the gate is locked.

Maybe it will last until this evening. If not, tomorrow afternoon looks OK and I don't have to do the 'school run' so should have chance to get out.


andy B - 6-4-2006 at 17:21

Al licencee, its work and on your door step.
you could hand out keys to all the nice pleasant people who frequent the beech, you would be a first class man for the job and you could watch us all playing in da water, ah the stuff dreams are made of init