had fun in Scotland last weekend. Had an amasing session at Irvine beach park. totaly blew me away. Ayr Kite fest was cool though
mostly for the single liners & familys, still we had fun showiung off in front of the tourists, well ya have to dont you
Mark Going huge, at the Irvine beach park.
Whoah!!!! Thats impressive.
I hope you informed the local air traffic control.
Was it a happy landing?
yep we all went home in one peace. There was one point where we had to grab mark to stop him flying away we keep an eye out for squals & stuff but this one snuck up on us.
top day all round really.
The saturday was cool if a little less windy. Ayr beach is a series of sand banks that stay surounded by water, we had great fun
ripping up & down the beach jumping from sand bank to sand bank across the streams.
Sunday was a non-starter, not enough wind to play so we decided to start the 6 hour trip home at a decent hour. Prolly just as well We
did cause I think If I'd have spent another day playing I'd have been unable to move on monday