Too true! Saturday gone - around midday when it was blue sky and sunshine - a select few of the borth massief were lucky enough to have
spotted a babe of note. I know this sounds impossible, but it happened.
Recognised as a very rare sighting, Shem took notes and Col123 analysed the situation.
"Icecold" Dunkster was also seen to move in with extreme caution, but alas, he failed miserably to get any response..
We can only hope that we experience another rare sighting like this in the not-too-distant future...
at the risk of being censored, was this the girl??
no idea if this is your girl lads but if you have any more keep em coming!!
(so to speak!!)
see i told everyone and they wouldn't listen..
Borth is the winter training ground for the reef girls..
fiddler crab by any chance dunk!!