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justal - 16-1-2004 at 07:14

O.M.O.T.S wrote in his recent diary entry:

I got there at about 12 and the wind had dropped from 5m weather to very little. The biggest kit I had with me was my 278 gecko and 6.5 noa (remember it Al!!),so I rigged that and went out

I do remember that sail well... I hadn't realsed O.M.O.T.S was you until I read that!... welcome to Forces-of-Nature. Glad to hear the Noa is still going well, I can't believe it, you obviously don't use it as much as I did.

I've managed to get through quite a few sails since you bought that one from me. It was a nice sail though. Put lots of downhaul on it and you can hold on to it in almost any wind!!

Anyway, does anyone know what OMOTS stands for??

I do, because I asked him... any guesses??


adrian_janssen - 16-1-2004 at 09:47

Old Man Of The Sea?

justal - 16-1-2004 at 15:11

Well...that didn't take long did it!!

Give yourself a gold star!!!
