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justal - 12-1-2004 at 16:18

In his recent diary entry Bodhi wrote;

After an hour or so on the road, we stopped to eat at which point I realised that I'd forgotten my towel, much to the amusement of the others who leapt to my rescue and picked up loads of McDonalds napkins.... funny b******s!

Bodhi, after a January surf in n. Wales, surely ONE McDonalds napkin would have been more than enough!!!


bodhi - 18-1-2004 at 21:52

Hahaha, sorry i missed this one al.
It was a humbling experience I have to admit, I could have covered the essentials with a postage stamp to be honest... I've heard of inny and outy belly buttons before, but nothing prepared me for what happened to my joy department!

I borrowed Thodd's used towel in the end which felt like it was beginning to freeze solid! I'd have given anything for a Towels-r-us right about then... surely theres a market there!

Thodd - 19-1-2004 at 11:58

Oh how I laughed!!!...

... Oh how bodhi wept!

bodhi - 19-1-2004 at 22:51

Do you see the torment that I have to endure!?

Thodd - 20-1-2004 at 09:34

Bwaaa Haaa Haaaaaaaaa.....