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Pray for Waves!
SinistaPenguin - 10-9-2003 at 15:57

Going to Newquay for a week next Monday. Please cross your fingers and pray for waves for me!!

My brother in law is going to be buying his first board too. Hopefully he'll get a chance to use it.

The downside is that I also need some good weather - the wife and 8 week old daughter will be there too and I can't leave the baby on a cold wet beach.

Anyone know what the weather's going to be like next week?

Wolfman - 10-9-2003 at 19:01

Hey Penguin,

Check out

Looks like its going to be dry but a bit windy and cloudy, although you never can tell with long range forecasts could be a heat wave by next week

Mind you I remember a couple of years ago getting this mad idea one night sitting in the pub in Henley with some mates to drive to Cornwall after last orders since it had been lovely and hot and sunny for weeks and we all fancied seeing the sea (before any one says anything I don't drink so was quite sober!) anyway five hours later we arrived in Newquay only to find it pouring down with rain!

Still I'm sure the sun will shine, hope you have a great time. - take the baby surfing never too young to start

SinistaPenguin - 11-9-2003 at 09:44

I looked at MetCheck - it looks like being a bit crappy for the week, but it's still a break and hopefully it'll mean a few waves!!

Looks like I'm going to get soaked driving down though - my handi-rack will leak if it's too heavy.