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Jericoacoara, Brazil
Harry - 2-8-2003 at 23:11

Al has noticed my frequent entries in the diary and suggested I stick a quick message on the forum so here goes. I´m in Jericoacoara at the moment, working here as an instructor at the windsurf centre Clube dos Ventos for 3 months until the end of September. I thought I would let everyone know who reads this forum what a great place it is here.

Firstly the windsurfing....well I´ve never been to a more consistenly windy place than this before. Every day since I arrived 3 weeks ago we have had wind all afternoon from midday normally. Lots of it as well....20 knots minimum normally, and quite often a lot more, maybe 30 knots+ some days (like today )) - see my diary entry). I haven´t used a sail bigger than a 5.3 since I´ve been here. The waves are getting bigger as well now, and will be perfectly orientated with the wind for frontside riding, but not too big (boom to logo high maximum). If you don´t want waves though it´s a huge bay and there are lots of different areas where flatter-water sailing is possible. Beginner lessons are possible in the morning (9-10am) when it´s not so windy. There are lots of people out on the water always when it´s windy in the afternoons but it´s never too busy since the bay is so huge. Apparently we are coming into the windiest part of the year now, August and September, so fingers crossed it should get better and better.

The village is pretty damn cool as well. Remote and isolated, but surprisingly lively and best of all incredibly cheap. B+B accomodation from 2 pounds per night, and beer is only 60p a pint. Some great bars and restaurants here, and lots of travelling windsurfers including a few Brits. There´s loads of other really great stuff about it which I could go on and on about, but basically it´s just a really cool chilled out village in an incredibly beautiful setting, with lots to do apart from just windsurf.

So if anyone is thinking about coming out here, go for it, you won´t regret it. It may cost a little bit more to get out here than your average holiday in the Med but it´s well worth it and it´s so much cheaper once you get here anyway that there´s probably not much difference in the end. If you want you can pre-book everything as a package, I think Sportif are the agents, or you can do it direct through the club at (sorry please excuse my blatant advertising!!!). Or just get on a flight and turn up here, there´s no problem with getting accomodation when you arrive. There´s always a few owners of the pousadas (B+B´s) here who meet the bus when it arrives and try and get you to stay with them. Bring your own kit or rent it from Clube dos Ventos, there´s new 2003 JP and Neil Pryde stuff here. Prices are usual hire centre rates, about 110 quid for one week I think. Best to email and check in advance though if you want to turn up and rent since we are quite busy for the next couple of months

If you want to read my diaries, they´re at

Hopefully see you out here!
