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Columbia River Gorge & Lake Nitnat
ajdesq - 4-7-2003 at 08:54

Just to make you all REALLY sick... I'm off to the above next week for a few weeks of sailin & campin! Well, having been back in the UK for a month and getting ONE DAYS sailing in, drastic action was needed.

Has anyone been to either & got tips? Any ideas which boards/sails to take (boards being 85l wave board, 103l Axxis, 123l Stbd Carve).

Flying with kit...better go buy some bubblewrap!


Spencer - 4-7-2003 at 09:27

You lucky lucky git, wrap it up well.....

paul - 4-7-2003 at 10:50

don't know when the windy season is in the gorge, might be worth checking as your kit could be WAY to big...

justal - 5-7-2003 at 07:41

I only hope you manage to get out on the water a little more than you did whilst in Tarifa!!!

Go on...surely you can beat Pauls all time single month Stoke Factor of 105!!!


ajdesq - 7-7-2003 at 16:51

The decision was made for me... I needed a double airline bag with all the bells & whistles, and it's only available in 270cm. The Carve 123(for Nitnat) is 268, the Wave board even shorter. So it's the Axxis staying in the garage at 278cm! So I'm either gonna have it too big or too small - should sharpen the skills!