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One for the Girls!
Dallas - 25-6-2003 at 14:11

As this site seems very male dominated, I thought I'd try to address the balance!

I've just got back from the first Club Vass Women's Windsurf Clinic, and I can say with total confidence it was a huge success. There were about 25 girls there in total - most of which had come out on their own, and everyone improved dramatically during the week. The tuition was excellent, and aimed specifically at techniques that make certain moves easier for women....particularly beach starting, waterstarting & uphauling. The kit advice was specifically for us girlies too. Most of us were at a similar level (just starting to get into the harness) which meant we could go out as a large group with 3 instructors helping all of us, and therefore getting tips from different people. There was also a huge social side, and I'm still detoxifying from too many nights in the Zeus bar!

I think they are looking to run the course again in September and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who needs a boost in their windsurfing, or wants to give a go for the first time. It was a great confidence booster for me and nice to be able to sail with other girls rather than guys all the time!!

If anyone is interested and wants any more information, just let me know


paul - 25-6-2003 at 14:28

glad you had a good time, how much wind was there ? Is Vass really that windy everyday ?

You should fill in the diaries with your sessions.

Dallas - 26-6-2003 at 08:31

Don't believe the wind stats for Club Vass!...... the week I was there the normal wind (Eric as they call it?!) never really kicked in apart from quite late on a couple of days. They said that the fortnight before they had 12 out of 14 days of consistent wind, but certainly my experience was of light winds in the morning and marginal in the afternoon.......slightly annoying for my level, but very frustrating for the more advanced sailors. Having said that, it's an excellent destination and the instruction and effort that all the staff put in to ensure you have a good holiday must be applauded.

J... - 29-6-2003 at 19:58

It seems the recent heat wave /early high temperatures have messed up the meltimi winds somewhat.

badexcuseforasailor - 29-6-2003 at 21:06

Didn't "Eric" misbehave last year as well?

Dallas - 30-6-2003 at 08:21

Think he keeps getting pissed in the Zeus bar!

paul - 30-6-2003 at 08:33

there is a good write up of day one and two on the UKWA site, looks like you had fun even if Eric was in hiding, maybe he stayed away becasuse it was a women's only event?

Day 1

Day 2