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zebedee - 13-5-2003 at 13:46

Is anyone going out there this year? I will be there from 22 June to 6 July this year. If you haven't been before its highly reccomended - a great holiday experience.

Dallas - 13-5-2003 at 13:53

Will just miss to the Womens Windsurfing Clinic 15 - 22 June. Never been before, but it should be fun! Anyone else??

zebedee - 14-5-2003 at 08:22

Might not miss you - I should be in Vass by midday on 22nd and don't leave the resort until about 6pm on departure Sunday - basically I get an extra day thanks to the unusual flight times! Oh, believe me it will be fun - don't miss the barbecue night and the curry and film night - its one of the best cinematic settings you'll ever sit at as the waves lap the shore and the moon rises over the water... Oh and Zeus bar is a must too, as well as the seafood restaurants with the tables around the harbour. It really is a magical place.

Dallas - 2-6-2003 at 16:22

Surely it can't be just me and Zebedee off to Vass this year???

badexcuseforasailor - 2-6-2003 at 21:28

I'm off to dahab in november


MartinF - 6-6-2003 at 20:10

While we're onto the "where I'm going for my hols..." theme, let me just add that I'm off to Fuerte June 18-Jul 2, & then to Dingle, Sept 13-20. Surely there's got to be some wind during those periods?

justal - 7-6-2003 at 05:34

Martin...there probably will be wind during those periods.... Around WSM, S. Wales and the South Coast!!!!


SeanBo - 7-6-2003 at 18:43

Not off to Vass, as the wife is pregnant and would not agree to such a destination when she would not be able to sail

However, am off to France for two weeks in about three weeks time and will be staying just north of the Loire 5 minutes from a absolutely classic Flat water blasting venue frequented by lots of French People. Went last year and saw some great conditions, but this year I will be brave enough to go for it myself!

Cant wait....especially after the week I have just had

MartinF - 10-6-2003 at 20:55

Originally posted by justal
Martin...there probably will be wind during those periods.... Around WSM, S. Wales and the South Coast!!!!

Doubtless correct

I've not decided which board to take with me yet - either the JP 78l Wave or the old 85l Fanatic Bee 260. Either way, it'll probably make the wind gods look elsewhere & I'll end up paying a fortune to rent something floatier.

Sod it - perhaps I should just take the body boards?

justal - 6-8-2003 at 06:07

Looks Like IainO had an OK time in Vassiliki for the last week in July... According to his diaries anyway. Fairly consistent conditions by the sounds of it, and better still his girlfriend took up windsurfing whilst there!!

Sounds like you had a good time Iain??

Zebedee & Dallas... How was it for you!


Dallas - 6-8-2003 at 08:36

Vass was great - I'd thoroughly recommend the women's week for any girls who are learning / wanting to learn....they have another one planned early sept.

The wind wasn't that consistent the week I was there, but still enough to get some planing most days, and plenty of time for light wind practice!!

Looking to book for Club Dahab later in the year.....does anyone know what the winds are like early Dec? Struggling a bit to find a destination for that time of the year, as only have 1 weeks hols left so rules out Margarita Need a bit more practice so I can get out at Weston and take on the mud!!

IainO - 10-8-2003 at 20:58

Vass was ideal for me and my girlfriend as she was able to do the Level 1 practice in warm safe conditions and I was able to get some top notch instruction to drag me off my plateau and up the next learning curve. The bonus is that she has got the bug but is not confident in deeper waters so she is all for going to Marguerita next year.

Whilst in Vass I got chatting to the staff who checked out Dahab last Nov prior to Club Dahab being set up. They reckon that the wind blows solid for 4-5 days out of 7 which you will need to recover as it was mainly 4.0 -4.5m weather with mast high swell beyond the reef